Welcome back! Hopefully you found my blog with little trouble, what with the new address and what not. Anyways, I decided to start back up my blog because I will be returning to Russia in about a month, but this time it I'm going to teach English. I will be living/working in the city of Volgograd (Wikipedia). It is a city of just over one million residents located right on the Volga River. Some of you who know a thing or two about World War II may know the city better as Stalingrad (changed in 1961).
I am presently waiting for the Russian Government to process my job contract and then mail me the visa application (this process takes about four weeks). Like I said above, I'll be leaving for Volgograd in late September/early October. As I learn more about my future job I'll be sure to put up a couple of posts before I depart.
Talk to you soon!